
Friday, September 21, 2012

Gassy Kassy and Rya the Ball of Fya'

Incase any of you have been wondering whether I’ll be changing the blog name (since I’m sure it keeps you up at night ; ) I’ve decided to keep it.  Since Rya is turning into a nurturing little assistant mother herself, I now interpret it as mommyhood with Mariah!  So here’s the latest scoop on my girls:

Gassy Kassy
As the name implies, Kassiah has a bit of an embarrassing problem.  Despite her sweet little appearance, she manages to make the stinkiest farts that even sound like they should come from an adult.  I make sure to quickly tease out loud her when they happen in public so no-one suspects that I did it.  Just like Rya, we barely remember Kassiah’s real name since we prefer to call her by nicknames.  Her main one at the moment is ‘Tu-Tu’ (don’t ask…Ivan usually picks the names and there’s no method to his madness).  Tu-tu has really awoken to the world around her in the last couple of weeks.  She’s started giving huge smiles when you talk to her, that light up her face and make her many chins squish together.  And she’s starting to try and ‘talk’ back with coos and gurgles.  My mom is in town to help for a couple more weeks and she has become Tu-tu’s bff.  She loves snuggling up on her Nana’s shoulder or just lying in bed next to her for some pillow talk. 

Rya the Ball of Fya’

Rya’s vocabulary is really exploding these days since she picks things up without us even realizing (which probably means I should stop swearing around her soon).  My favourite words of hers are: ‘barsh’ (barf - which she says while trying to help me wipe baby’s spit-up), ‘yush’ (yes – which she uses to answer all questions even if they’re not yes/no ones), ‘bass’ (bath – her favourite time of the day), ‘are yee?’ (where are you – she exclaims whenever she’s looking for someone/something), ‘ha-woah’ (hello – as she greets the operator on the phone when she pulls it off the hook), ‘aww-ee’ (sorry – which she enjoys saying so much that she sometimes purposely smacks the baby just so she can say it), and my all-time favourite: ‘co-co-kadoo’ (cockadoodledoo!). 

I’ve started taking her to a playgroup where she not only continues to bully her bud, Cam, but also the kids around her – even when they’re bigger than her.  “No-no!” she shouts as she takes toys away from them, pushes them out of her way, or just gives them her infamous dirty scowl for no reason.  I do my best to chase after her when it gets out of hand, but I’m really lucky that most moms are understanding and sometimes even find it funny.  When other moms see Rya pulling Cam by the hand or hugging him against his wishes, they usually laugh and say something like ‘I guess we know who wears the pants in that relationship!’.  And like most good wives, Liza and I just smile because we know who wear the pants in our own marriages ; )  I’m definitely a bit concerned about how Rya’s little attitude might evolve over time.  But from a teacher’s perspective, Ivan tries to remind me that it’s sometimes easier to teach a bully to play nice than it is to teach a passive child to stand up for themselves.  So when she’s not being too wild, I try to bite my tongue and be glad that she’s going to be a confident girl who is very comfortable in her own skin. 

And to leave you with a funny story to laugh at: Ivan recently taught her to pretend it’s a magic trick when puts a blanky over Tu-tu and then pulls it off screaming Tada!  So now when I try and feed baby discretely under a nursing cover, Rya runs over and exposes her poor mama, shouting Tada!

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