
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The little stuff

Have you ever seen the show ‘Hoarders’?  You know – the one where people’s homes are condemned because they’re filled to the brim with junk?  Well, that might just be Rya’s ticket to fame one day.  She’s always been a bit of an odd cookie – and her latest weirdo trait is that she has a habit of collecting the strangest objects.  It began with small, understandable things – like picking up pebbles outside and keeping them in her pocket.  Ivan teases her that she’s trying to hang on to memories the way Joe Pesci’s character did in the movie ‘With Honours’ (for anyone who’s watched it: ‘boy oh boy’).  Then she started getting a bit obsessed with bandaids.  My parents tell me they bought a lot of bandaid boxes to keep me happy as a child too, so I chalked that one up as normal.  But the collections are definitely evolving to include some very random things, that Rya still seems to find interest in.

Each night, she insists on bringing at least a handful of things to bed.  Usually it includes bits and pieces of things she’s been ‘working on’ – so pieces of paper, crayons, sticky notes, etc.  Once she wanted to bring some snack leftovers and when I warned her that bugs would come for them, she suggested I put them in a Ziploc bag.  I was so impressed by the idea that I had to oblige – but that has just added to her addiction.  Now it’s a regular occurrence for Rya to request a Ziploc bag to hold as many random objects as she can squeeze inside – pompoms, board game pieces, dice, coupons, decorative tissue paper, you name it.  And if you want to test the theory that hoarders have an emotional connection with their belongings – I dare you to hide one of those items in the morning – or better yet – let it fall under the bed when you’re trying to put her to sleep.  She will tell you the exact size, colour, and shape of the missing object and insist that she gets it back.  In fact, last night Mariah tried to include a finger puppet in her bedtime stash but then realized it was missing an eye.  Sure enough – she convinced her daddy to get out his hot glue gun and put another googley eye on her puppet before she went to bed.

Sometimes Mariah’s objects include wardrobe accessories that she wakes up still wearing in the morning.  It doesn’t even surprise us anymore to see Mariah emerge from her room wearing a combination of Ivan’s tie, my eye covers, and/or a pink cape.  And whereas most kids go to bed wanting a book to read – Mariah sometimes requests a pen and paper since she learned to threaten ‘writing a report on you’ from her school.  I thought that one was so funny that I actually loaned her my clipboard, since I can relate to her love for paperwork : )

And as much as all of Mariah’s little stuff makes me laugh…it also reminds me about a really nice quote I came across recently:

Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff. 
~Catherine M. Wallace~