
Saturday, February 22, 2014

2014 off to a good start...

Many of you were concerned for my sanity when you read my recent morning madness blog (after laughing your heads off at me, of course).  So I wanted to reassure ‘my readers’ that life has become much more manageable and calm these days.  Ivan has started to take a faster route to work in the mornings, freeing up just enough time to drop baby off to her dayhome (but I think this mysterious coincidence might have had something to do with the bad press he got in that blog).  Either way – I’m happy!  Getting one child ready in the morning is much easier than two.  So Rya and I now get a few more minutes of beauty sleep and can take our time since I’m actually able to get myself ready at the same time and head straight to work instead of the whole pajama mama scene. 

The smoother mornings may be one factor – but I think there are many reasons that I’m finally starting to ‘like’ Mariah again.  Last year was a bit rough with her, since she really took the ‘terrible two’ thing seriously.  She used to have at least one tantrum per day for most of 2013, and seemed very irritable most of the time.  I think another factor was that she was getting her back molars, which took about 6 months to come in, and left her as a hot cranky mess most of the time.  Consequently, I was a hot cranky mess most of the time too, and Rya and I used to drive each other crazy.  I feel like we growled and kissed our teeth at each other more than we actually spoke to each other.  Which brings me to another factor – Mariah has always been pretty verbally advanced…but even at that rate, her vocabulary as a two year-old was fairly limited.  She spoke in full sentences, but didn’t always have the exact words to express how she felt or what she wanted.  Ever since she turned three a couple of months ago, Mariah has really blossomed into the sweet little girl I’ve always dreamed of.  Don’t get me wrong – she still has her moments, and I’m sure she always will.  But for the most part, she is pretty happy, calm, and dare I say ‘reasonable’.  Whereas she used to tantrum if she wasn’t given arbitrary objects before, which seemed to be a power struggle…now she only really gets upset if she feels something isn’t fair.  For example, if I were to break a cookie in half and split it between Mariah and Kassiah, Mariah would not be happy if she didn’t get the bigger piece.  But even this usually starts with some whiny complaining before hitting sheer anger, so I have a chance to de-escalate her.  And in between those times, Mariah usually is usually busy playing pretend by herself or with her sister, if she’s willing.  Mariah lines chairs up and pretends she’s driving; pats her dolls to sleep; hides in closets to escape monsters; goes shopping in our pantry; or bakes cookies in the kitchen set her dad built for her.  Mariah is also a focused little artist who can sit and draw for an hour – taking time to put the right parts on a face, or drawing 3 circles for a snowman.  One of Mariah’s favourite activities is going to the movies with mom or dad.  Whereas some kids have a real hard time sitting quietly, Mariah has been going to the theatre since she was 10 months old!  She now sits in her own booster seat and stares intently at the screen the whole time.  Last time she whispered ‘someone’s scared’ pointing to her cabbage patch doll and telling it to take deep breaths (I guess she must be the child of a therapist).  She loves telling people about her movie history – if anyone says the word ‘frozen’ in any context (like her Oma saying the screen was frozen on skype…or me asking Ivan to pass the frozen peas).  Without a hesitation she exclaims “Hey, member when me and Tan and daddy and Matthew went to see the movie, Frozen?!?”.  Mariah's understanding of her maturity is in very concrete terms.  I've commented on her being 'bigger' when she does something by herself like flipping her coat when she asks for something that I say she's too young for (like having a sip of Coke) she says "but I AM bigger!".  Before I paint a perfect picture of Mariah, I should mention that she recently got in trouble at school for saying a ‘bad word’.  Ivan & I spent the evening accusing each other of 4 letter words she could have overheard from our mouths.  But when her teacher finally told me Rya had said ‘poopy penis’, I had to choke back a laugh and be thankful that she used the proper anatomical term (granted with an odd adjective), since daddy taught her they’re called dickies.

Little Kassiah is finally starting to grow past the baby stage, into toddlerhood (although I feel like she will always be a baby!).  Her current word list is: ‘Kuk’ (stuck), Dada, Mama, “Yaya” (Rya), Hi, Bye, more, this, that, ‘peesh’ (please), boob, and no.  She really loves music and usually dances and sings around the house with her daddy.  Lately I’ve been teaching her the “do, ray, me’s” and she ends on a cute little “me, me, me, me” vocal lesson.  Another grown up thing about our little baby is that she has the hair of a wild woman.  Even after a haircut just two weeks ago, Kassiah’s hair is so long and thick that she uses both hands to brush it off her chubby face when she has pulled her pony tail out.  Mariah was never super affectionate (and still barely gives hugs and kisses), but Kassiah sticks out her lips with a ‘mmmm’ waiting for a kiss when you request one.  And she still loves to be carried and cuddled as she ‘twerks’ as her Auntie Lisa calls it – doing her funny little I’m sleepy dance, by sticking her bum in & out.  And despite my many planned cut-off markers, this almost 20 month old is still breastfeeding!  I’ve had really mixed emotions on this topic, which I’ll blog about in more detail sometime.  But for now, I’m gonna keep letting her snack for ‘a couple more months’ and be thankful that she she's too slow to ask for it in a full sentence!  

1 comment:

  1. I always thought that I would go up to a year with Ellis' breastfeeding. Then when she started daycare. Now here we are at month 16 and she wants to breastfeed more than ever. She even has this "cute" habit of shoving her hand down my top to let me know she's ready. Sigh.
