
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Winter Blues

Well, time has flown by again…and I can’t say all of it has been because I was ‘having fun’.  At least part of my writer’s block was probably due to some winter blues.  Even though Calgary has had an amazing winter so far, the decrease in hours of sunlight and chances to be outdoors definitely seems to affect my mood.  I’ve probably noticed it more so in the last couple of years since my mood has been more vulnerable as a mom.  I’ve had my ups & downs with the dreaded ‘Post-Partum Depression/Anxiety’ monster in the last few years.  And since Kassiah is now 2 and a half, it’s almost strange not to be able to chalk it up to that : )  Overall, I would probably say that I feel a whole lot more ‘stable’ these days than I did early on (likely because I never went off the anti-depressants I started post-partum!).  But I guess I’m coming to the realization that my mood may continue to be more fragile than it was pre-kids for…at least the next few years! 

Like a lot of people, I have a fair amount of genetic predisposition to depression and anxiety.  Before kids, I usually managed to cope pretty well to keep them at bay.  But I suppose with kids, the increase in factors beyond my control continues to be an adjustment that I don’t always cope as well with.  In the past, if I were having a tough day, I could just laze around, take it easy, or even just have a cathartic cry without worrying about anyone but myself.  But now, the tougher days are more easily triggered, and I get caught in the cycle of feeling guilty about feeling miserable.  If I feel ‘a moment’ coming on, Ivan is pretty good at getting the kids out of my hair.  But occasionally they’ve crept up into my bedroom to catch a glimpse of me looking and feeling a lot less put-together than they are used to.  That moment always kills me – since it’s the one I’m terrified they’ll remember.  So I just do the only thing I can – assure them and myself that I’ll be fine in a few minutes…and sure enough I am. 

Mornings have been especially tough lately.  Winter mornings are dark…and cold…and who wants to get out of bed, really?  But combine that with getting a 4 year-old ready for daycare, when she is even less motivated (and perhaps has less of a cognitive filter), usually does not make for a fun start to the day.  Mariah is a lovely and stubborn little monkey, who tries to negotiate each step in life lately.  Things that were meant to be occasional treats – like a cup of hot chocolate, or wearing a dress over her clothes – were beginning to be daily battles.  Just like any normal preschooler should, she demanded any and everything she could think of each morning to delay the process of going to school.  And like any normal mom – I would give a firm ‘no’ to most of them, but then eventually give in to one or two.  As I should really know from my work with kids, this ‘intermittent reward system’ turned into a behavioral nightmare, where my child was bossing me around far too much.  She was getting crankier, I was getting more irritable, and we were both getting nowhere.  I say this all in past tense as if the problem is solved – well maybe that’s wishful thinking.  Last week Ivan & I made a daily calendar (i.e. ‘behavior chart’) for Mariah – which again, I would not recommend for true ‘behavior issues’ in kids…but Mariah is a pretty rule-oriented gal.  We gave her a few pictures of reasonable motivators to get her going in the mornings and have let her choose one each day to help things run a bit smoother.  At first she threw a tantrum over wanting two special things in one day (because how could a princess be a princess with a dress but no sparkle gel in her hair?!?).  But overall, the method seems to be improving things a bit each day. 

And as for my mood, fingers crossed, it seems to be getting better as the days get longer.  But, like I’ve said in this entry, I’ve sort of come to an acceptance that the roller-coaster is somewhat normal.  I debated about whether to post on this topic…especially since I haven’t blogged in a while and I hate  to be a downer ; )  But being open and honest – about mommyhood, and life in general, is really what this blog is about.  There will continue to be lots of happiness in the entries to come, but this one is probably just as important, if not more.  I’ve had lots of good conversations with other women about the wonderful array of emotions we seem to cycle through, and I hope that being open about this helps to normalize & validate it for others. 

And incase anyone is wondering if this means I have any regrets about parent hood and wish I could go back – no way!  I think the purpose of life is to grow – to face challenges and overcome them; to have tough days and get through them.  For me, becoming a mom has been the hardest and most fun experience I could ever imagine.  So the tough moments have been well worth the priceless ones, by far.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Holly! It's always good to remember the ups and downs of mommyhood. What an incredible and trying journey!
